GLA:D® is a treatment option for patients with osteoarthritis in the knee / hip or long-term low back problems.

The content of GLA:D® is based on the latest scientific evidence as well as information from researchers, clinical experts and patients. GLA:D® transforms recommendations from national and international clinical guidelines into a structured course of treatment. It consists of patient education and exercise as well as data registration of the course in a national GLA:D® register.

The basic principle of GLA:D® is help-to-help-yourself. The aim is for you to have less pain and better functioning after the GLA:D® course, together with a better understanding of your pain and of what you can do yourself to improve your everyday life.

GLA:D® is developed at the University of Southern Denmark for both knee, hip and low back patients. GLA:D® for Knee and Hip was established in 2013 by Ewa Roos and Søren Skou. GLA:D® Back was established by Alice Kongsted, Per Kjær, Jan Hartvigsen and Inge Ris in 2017.


The Danish Health Authority (Sundhedsstyrelsen) has issued recommendations for the treatment of people with osteoarthritis in the knee / hip and for people with back pain. These recommendations need to be applied in clinical practice to make clinicians able to provide the best possible treatment for their patients. The University of Southern Denmark has developed GLA:D® based on both Danish and international recommendations.


GLA:D® is an option for those with symptoms of osteoarthritis in the knee / hip, or with long-term / recurrent back pain. Together with you the patient, GLA:D® certified clinicians will consider whether this option is relevant. GLA:D® patient education and exercise can be adjusted to the individual participant, taking age, level of pain and functioning, etc. into account.


The University of Southern Denmark, which is responsible for GLA:D®, regularly trains physiotherapists and chiropractors on 2-day courses in GLA:D® Knee / Hip and GLA:D® Back. You can be certified as a therapist in GLA:D® within knee/hip osteoarthritis and/or low back pain. At the certification courses, the participants are updated on evidence-based treatment and procedures for GLA:D® in practice incl. data registration. Patient education and supervised training are key elements in any GLA:D® programme, just as data registration is mandatory. As a GLA:D® therapist, you get access to the GLA:D® register, which among others contains material for use in practice. Via newsletters or Masterclass courses, the therapists are continuously updated in GLA:D®. Besides, therapists are re-certified every 3 years to ensure quality in practice. In connection with certification or re-certification, an online test must be carried out based on handed out course material. Certification and re-certification ensure that GLA:D® therapists are professionally up-to-date and provide uniformity of GLA:D® programmes across the country.